Brow Lift

Brow Lift Surgery in Las Vegas, NV

Brow lift surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada from Dr. Cambeiro can help you achieve a remarkably refreshed facial appearance. If you live outside of the Las Vegas area, please contact us to learn more about our fly-in program.

This brow lift procedure is most commonly performed in the 40-60 year old age range to minimize the visible effects of aging. However, it can help people of any age who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity. Individuals with inherited conditions, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose can achieve a more alert and refreshed look with this brow lift procedure.

The brow lift procedure is often done with a facelift in Las Vegas to provide a smoother overall look to the face. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may also be performed at the same time as a brow lift, especially if a patient has significant skin overhang in the upper eyelids. Some patients who have less advanced signs of aging may be candidates for a non-surgical alternative to brow lift surgery called Ultherapy®. This procedure uses ultrasound energy to tighten the skin.

Sometimes, patients who believe they need upper-eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty find that a brow lift better meets their surgical goals.

Patients who are bald, who have a receding hairline, or who have had previous blepharoplasty upper-eyelid surgery may still be good candidates for brow lift. Dr. Cambeiro will simply alter the incision location or perform a more conservative operation.

To see why Dr. Cambeiro’s qualifications, excellent service, and results make him the best brow lift surgeon in Henderson and Las Vegas, NV, call us at (702) 734-4100 or request a meeting with us today.

How Brow Lift is Performed

Before the operation begins, your hair will be tied with rubber bands on either side of the incision line. Your head will not be shaved, but hair that is growing directly in front of the incision line may need to be trimmed.

For most brow lift patients, a coronal incision will be used. It follows a headphone-like pattern, starting at about ear level and running across the top of the head and down the other side of the head. The incision is usually made behind the hairline so that the scar will not be visible.

Working through the incision, the skin of the forehead is carefully lifted so that the underlying tissue can be removed and the muscles of the forehead can be altered or released. The eyebrows may also be elevated and excess skin at the incision point will be trimmed away to help create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Many people choose to combine their brow lift with a facelift in Las Vegas for a more impressive facial renewal.

The incision is then closed with stitches or clips. Your face and hair will be washed to prevent irritation and the rubber bands will be removed from your hair. Dr. Cambeiro may choose to cover the incision with gauze padding and wrap your head in an elastic bandage.

Advantages of the Traditional Approach

The advantages of the traditional approach are that a more controlled contouring of the shape of the eyebrow can be obtained. The brow lift procedure has been in use for a long time, and the results are long-lived. Complications are few, but include the possibility minimal hair loss along the incision line. Some may develop numbness in a small patch of scalp at the top of their head.

The Endoscopic Brow lift

If your hairline is high or receding, the endoscopic brow lift may be your procedure of choice.   This technique will avoid adding even more height to the forehead and allow for minimal scarring.

Typically, an endoscopic brow lift requires the same preparation steps as the traditional procedure: the hair is tied back and trimmed behind the hairline where the incisions will be made.

However, rather than making one long coronal incision, Dr. Cambeiro will make three, four or five short scalp incision, such less than an inch in length. An endoscope, which is a pencil-like camera device connected to a television monitor, is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing him to have a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. Using another instrument inserted through a different incision, the forehead skin is lifted and the muscles and underlying tissues are removed or altered to produce a smoother appearance. The eyebrows may also be lifted and secured into their higher position by sutures beneath the skin’s surface or by temporary fixation screw placed behind the hairline.

When the brow lift is complete, the scalp incisions will be closed with stitches or clips and the area will be washed. Gauze and an elastic bandage may also be used.

Advantages of the Endo-Brow Lift

The advantages of the endo-brow lift are that the scars are less lengthy and therefore possibly less noticeable. There is less risk of numbness of the scalp. The recovery may be slightly shorter without the need to heal a long incision line. Through complications are few, they include inability to obtain significant shape change of the brow because of a mainly vertical vector or pull (as opposed to an upward and outward direction of lift with the open technique), and relapse. The procedure is fairly new and long-term results and longevity remains to be established.

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Why Dr. Cambeiro?

  • voted one of Las Vegas' top plastic surgeons 15 years in row
  • Impressive Credentials: Mayo Clinic trained and Double-Board Certified
  • An Honest, caring approach with a dedication to patient safety and satisfaction

Your SurgiSpa Brow Lift Experience

Dr. Cambeiro will perform a medical exam as well as a focused physical exam. He will need to know all of your medical conditions, current medication regime including vitamins and herbal remedies. In addition, he will need to know your drug allergies as well as any reactions to medications you have had in the past.

You will need to let him know if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or the tendency to develop large scars. Let Dr. Cambeiro know if you have had any prior facial surgery or if you are taking aspirin or other drugs that affect clotting. If you smoke, you will need to quit four weeks before your brow lift surgery and not to resume for at least four weeks after your surgery.   Smoking decreases blood circulation to the skin and impedes healing

Your height and weight will be recorded at each office visit — please note that our office is in Henderson, Nevada, just outside of Las Vagas. In addition, Dr. Cambeiro will evaluate you for the brow lift in the context of evaluating your facial aesthetics in their totality. This evaluation involves examining your upper and lower eyelids, your mid-facial aging, your neck, and your skin itself in addition to what is going on with your forehead. No one area of the face can reasonably be viewed in isolation, without consideration of the adjacent areas and the overall balance of your features.

Furthermore, Dr. Cambeiro will explain the anesthesia he will use during your brow lift procedure. He will address the risks involved in the surgery as well as your expectations of the overall outcome. You will be given a cost estimate for your procedure.

Your Second Office Visit

You will meet with Dr. Cambeiro approximately two weeks prior to your Las Vegas plastic surgery procedure, at which time any remaining questions you may have regarding the operation will be answered. You will have an opportunity to discuss and receive the following information:

You will receive a general physical examination to ensure that no new underlying medical problems exist that may interfere with the safety of the brow lift surgery. Any infections that you may have should be discussed with Dr. Cambeiro before your operative date.

  • Patients with high blood pressure must have their condition well controlled prior to brow lift surgery and should plan to take their blood pressure medication right up to the time of their operation.
  • Pre-operative digital photographs are taken so that you can see the improvement from your brow lift surgery afterwards. You will be asked to sign a photographic consent prior to having any photographs taken. Pictures are usually taken 3 months after your procedure.

You will receive specific instructions on how to prepare for brow lift surgery. The instructions will include guidelines on eating, drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins, iron tablets and certain medications. You will receive specific instructions regarding the date and time of your brow lift procedure before leaving his office.

  • Dr. Cambeiro will write prescriptions for post-operative antibiotics to decrease your risk of infection and a pain medication for post-operative pain relief.
  • Perms and bleaching should be avoided for two week prior to and two weeks after your brow lift.
  • You will be instructed not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • Do not shave your scalp prior to brow lift surgery; this may increase your risk of infection.

A list of your medications will be reviewed and certain medications should be discontinued at least 2 weeks prior to the brow lift operation.

  • You will be asked to refrain from taking any medications or other substances which could potentially be the cause of surgical complications such as aspirin, NSAIDs and vitamin E. These medications interfere with the blood clotting mechanism and can cause bleeding complications

You will be asked to pay your surgical fee at your pre-operative visit. The fee is determined at the time of the consultation, and is different for every scenario or combination of areas treated.

  • Scheduling brow lift surgery involves payment of a non-refundable deposit, as there are costs involved with preparing for the operation, and for holding operating room time.
  • You will be asked to sign a consent form for the surgical procedure and for board-certified anesthesia.

You will be asked to pre-arrange for somebody to drive you home from the surgery office after your brow lift surgery. You cannot operate motor vehicles after surgery, and we will not place recently sedated patients in taxis for transport home. We can arrange for medical transport in the event you cannot find an escort. It is mandatory to have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours after brow lift surgery for your comfort and safety.

Your Surgery Day

Wear loose fitting clothing that will wash easily in the event they are soiled.

Leave all jewelry, contact lenses, or other valuables at home. Remove all body jewelry from pierced body parts the day of brow lift surgery.

Your vital signs will be checked by Dr. Cambeiro's nurse before your operation begins.

Dr. Cambeiro will need to draw lines on your face and scalp to provide him with guidelines during your procedure. You will meet with the anesthesiologist to review your medical history. The brow lift procedure will take two to five hours, depending on the amount of work required.

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Brow Lift Recovery

  • You will most likely feel like sleeping for the rest of the day. Often, brow lift patients do develop a headache from the tension placed on their scalp. Dr. Cambeiro uses a long-lasting local anesthetic block to provide a measure of pain relief for several hours after surgery, but it will be necessary for you to take pain medication for about three to five days afterwards.
  • You should anticipate some swelling and bruising around the eye area, which typically resolves in less than two weeks.
  • You will be seen two to three days after brow lift surgery, and your dressing removed. You will then be able to wash your hair.
  • You will return for removal of wound clips on day ten to fourteen.
  • You should not drive until you have normal return of daily activity and are off all narcotic medications.
  • You should avoid strenuous activities such as bending, lifting, and sports for about three weeks. Drinking alcohol can lead to fluid retention and delays recovery.
  • During the first 24 hours your assigned caretaker will assist you in getting up to the bathroom, taking medications, and eating and drinking. During the first 12-24 hours you will stay on a liquid diet and advance yourself as tolerated.
  • You will probably feel tired and sore for a few days following your brow lift surgery, but you will be up and about in 24-48 hours. Most of your discomfort can be controlled by medication.
  • Antibiotics are continued for five days after the brow lift procedure to lower the risk of infection.
  • You should be up and walking on the morning following your brow lift surgery, and a light solid diet begun to the point of tolerance.
  • If you have a temperature over 99.5 degrees, chills or sweats, a markedly different degree of swelling between sides, and/or increasing rather than decreasing pain—call the office immediately!
  • You should be able to return to work within a few days to week, depending on the level of activity required for your job.
  • You are allowed to bathe and to wash their hair 48 to 72 hours after the procedure. Showering is then permitted but the incisions should not be submerged, as in a tub or pool.

Final Result

Final results are usually evident at three to six weeks, though there may be some minimal swelling which needs to disappear over the first three months. Most brow lift patients are back to work or school in a week to ten days. Endoscopic patients may feel ready to return even sooner. Vigorous physical activity should be limited for several weeks, including jogging, bending, heavy housework, sex, or any activity that increases your blood pressure. Prolonged exposure to heat or sun should be limited for several months. Most of the visible signs of brow lift surgery should fade completely within about three weeks. Minor swelling and bruising can be concealed with special camouflage makeup.

If you would like more information about brow lifts, Las Vegas plastic surgeon Dr. Cambeiro invites you to request a consultation or give our office a call at (702) 734-4100 for confidential and informative answers to all of your questions.

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