
What’s the Difference Between a Breast Reduction and a Breast Lift?

Breast surgery can have transformative benefits if your breasts sag or cause you discomfort and embarrassment. Though a breast reduction and lift involve similar techniques, they provide different results.

If you want smaller breasts, wish to improve their position, or refine the shape of your breasts for a more appealing appearance, you should learn the distinctions between these two surgeries.

Breast Lift

Beautiful breast curves and positions are essential to women who want to reclaim their youth. However, when age and gravitational pull take a toll, you may seek help restoring your figure, femininity, and confidence. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Arthur Cambeiro performs breast lift surgery in Las Vegas at SurgiSpa Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery to help women achieve their aesthetic goals.

Another procedure you might want to consider is a breast lift with breast augmentation. Combining these two procedures will increase breast size, combat volume loss, enhance shape, and restore balance and elevation.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can create physical and social challenges for women. Moreover, asymmetrical or oversized breasts may lead to confidence, self-esteem, and physical discomfort issues. Dr. Cambeiro enjoys using his talent and training to help boost women’s self-confidence and enhance their quality of life. This plastic surgery removes excess breast tissue to reshape the breasts to an aesthetic shape and size, reconstruct the nipple size and position, and reduce discomfort from carrying heavy breasts.

Breast Lift vs. Breast Reduction

Though you might assume these terms are two different names for the same procedure, that’s a misconception. A breast lift helps improve breast contours by addressing sagging or drooping breasts. When doing this surgery, Dr. Cambiero reshapes the breasts and elevates their position on the chest wall for a perkier, more youthful appearance.

Conversely, a breast reduction will make your breasts smaller by removing excess tissue and skin. While the reasons for getting a breast lift are entirely cosmetic, reduction surgery delivers physical relief by reducing back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by oversized, heavy breasts. If your breasts cause you discomfort and get in the way of your typical daily activities, your insurance company may agree to cover part or all the costs of this procedure to alleviate your medical concerns.

Love Your Look at Any Age

If you need more information about your breast enhancement options in Las Vegas that can give you the figure of your dreams, Dr. Cambeiro would love to hear from you. You can request a complimentary consultation or call our office at (702) 734-4100. We will discreetly provide informative answers to all your questions. 

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